Autistic Journalist Demands Joe Scarborough Retract Comments Linking Autism To Aurora Shooting
by Tommy Christopher | 2:49 pm, July 23rd, 2012
In an email to Mediaite, labor journalist Mike Elk, who recently “came out” as autistic himself, denounced Scarborough’s comments, and demanded a retraction from the network.
Joe Scarborough Has A Theory: Colorado Shooter Could Have Autism
For instance, listening to Joe, Mika and the gang rail against the Beltway and/or conventional political wisdom is a process that is so devoid of self-awareness that it can almost be considered performance art...
Read full article at :
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Manages to Offend Entire Autism World--Demonstrates Stunning Ignorance
by Sharon Howarth 4:53 pm, July 23,2012
"On Monday morning, July 23, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC asserted that James Holmes is probably on the autism spectrum, and that autism would explain why he allegedly committed mass murder. These statements are ignorant and potentially damaging to people who already struggle against stigma and prejudice. There is absolutely no link between autism and criminal behavior; in fact, people on the autism spectrum are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators..."
"On Monday morning, July 23, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC asserted that James Holmes is probably on the autism spectrum, and that autism would explain why he allegedly committed mass murder. These statements are ignorant and potentially damaging to people who already struggle against stigma and prejudice. There is absolutely no link between autism and criminal behavior; in fact, people on the autism spectrum are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators..."
I [Sharon Howarth] have signed the petition and am sharing the web link as widely as possible-- here is my personal addendum to the petition letter:
"I am a concert level pianist, educator, mother of six, wife, worship leader, internationally published songwriter and recording artist, filmmaker/producer, author, blog publisher,
MY AUTISM DOES NOT MAKE ME A MASS MURDERER!! Go to this webpage to view a video I recently produced about my piano concerto performance with a symphony orchestra--, view my blog posts about Scarborough's egregious and ignorant statements at
I will be posting an open letter to Scarborough later today.
Tommy Christopher quotes Mike Elk in his piece:
Autistic Journalist Demands Joe Scarborough Retract Comments Linking Autism To Aurora Shooting
by Tommy Christopher | 2:49 pm, July 23rd, 2012
[excerpt with links]In response to an email inquiry, Mike Elk, a staff writer for In These Times who recently wrote a beautiful essay in which he “came out” publicly as a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, denounced Scarborough’s remarks, and demanded a retraction:
As both a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, as well a journalist, MSNBC must issue an immediate retraction of Joe Scarborough’s unfounded statements accusing the shooter of having autism and linking autism to violence. There is absolutely no evidence that the Colorado shooter has autism, nor is there a single scientific study that links autism to violent outbursts such as the despicable acts of terrorism that occurred last Friday in Aurora, Colorado. As someone who was bullied, beaten, and often a loner as child, I never once though about taking out violent rage against those who bullied me. Instead, I poured my sense of hurt into reporting on workers who were similarly being bullied by big corporations.Scarborough, whose own son has Asperger’s, should know better than to spread false stereotypes about people on the Autism spectrum as being prone to violence. Instead, Scarborough has contributed to the further isolation of people on the autism scale. Hopefully, Mr. Scarborough will retract his remarks, as well as host a broader discussion on Autism to spell away the many stereotypes of Autism often spoken by non-Autistic people such as himself.
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has also issued a statement calling for a retraction:
“Mr. Scarborough’s remarks suggesting that James Holmes, the shooter behind the Aurora movie theater killings, was an Autistic American are as perplexing as they are without evidence. No information on Mr. Holmes has suggested that he displays the diagnostic characteristics of autism and no evidence exists tying autism with violent behavior or threats to public safety. As a parent, Mr. Scarborough should know better than to perpetrate these types of unfortunate stereotypes. Autistic Americans are an integral part of our society and live, work and attend school alongside our non-Autistic peers. There exists no evidence linking autism with violent behavior. By spreading ill-founded and unsupported claims linking autism with violence, Mr. Scarborough does our community real harm. We urge him to reconsider and for him and MSNBC to retract his remarks.”
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